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تعليم الريفيت المعماري Revit Architecture

برنامج الريفيت المعماري Revit Architecture، برنامج يُستخدم في المجالِ المعماري ثُنائي وثُلاثي الأبعاد، حيثُ يحوي أدواتٍ معمارية مثل: الحوائط والأبواب والشَّبابيك والأعمدة، وهكذا. جميع هذهِ الأشياء تُرسم ثلاثيّة الأبعاد؛ لذا فهو سريع في تصميم الواجهات وإظهارها، وفي أخذ القطاعات والتَّفاصيل المختلفة. نظرًا لسرعتهِ الكبيرة في وضع الأبعاد ورسم المَحاور وبناء السَّلالم وعمل المناسيب المختلفة، وإنشاء جداول الحصر للمكوِّنات المعمارية التي يتكوَّن منها المشروع؛ لذا فهو مُهم في عملِ الرُّسومات التَّنفيذية.

Back to the Future

Back to the Future

THE 3DS MAX BLOG Back to the Future By Eddie Perlberg - Oct 29, 2015 - 3ds Max - Games, Design Visualization Hey everyone, Tom Hudson here. October 31st, 2015 marks 3ds Max's 25th aniversary. To mark the occasion, I thought it would be fun to go back and look at where we’ve been on [...]
Good architectural visualization attracts clients

Good architectural visualization attracts clients

Designers  have made a meaningful first impression with the debut of Closca Fuga, an urban bicycle helmet that resolves the unfortunate clash between self-protection and self-expression. The clever design, a result of the company’s collaboration with the renowned Polytechnic University of Valencia and Culdesac, is made of 3 rings hinged together for a light, portable, […]

Optimizing 3d scenes for faster rendering

Optimizing 3d scenes for faster rendering

I've seen many people struggling with optimizing their scenes for shorter and more stable rendering, I was that person too. That's why with the help of my colleagues at GarageFarm.NET I decided to create a series of tutorials about rendering optimization in the most popular 3D applications and render engines. I've used my own experience [...]
7 Reasons Why Transitioning to BIM Makes Sense for Small Firms

7 Reasons Why Transitioning to BIM Makes Sense for Small Firms

The benefits and capabilities of building information modeling in large-scale architectural practices are well known. But is BIM really necessary for smaller firms? Many small firms have been operating using traditional CAD methods for some time now, and switching technologies can seem a daunting task, especially for companies that operate on small budgets and without [...]